Lace topics needing help

Cbaile19, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lace topics in need of edits range from completely absent styles of lace, to better images, references to quality sources and information about more recent studies and publications and designers in the fields.

  • High priority: put an “infobox” of structured content on most of the lace style pages.

  • Create an ideal “template” page for lace styles with guidance for the content that would be most useful. We won’t always have it all, but at least we can aim for it. More on this elsewhere.

  • Polychrome lace, Jesurum workshop. That gorgeous lace I use for this site landing page has no page of its own! There are beautiful pieces out there, and there, and there. Interesting tidbit about Jesurum—they did plain color collars too: Swift Antique Lace.

  • Princess lace loom / Torchon lace company. A gig work scheme, but dubious. Sample cards exist, and patterns, books and pamphlets.

  • Spanier arbeit: rare examples and tightly-held techniques unique to Jewish (frequently) religious garments

  • Aemelia Ars needlelace. (Piecework Magazine May/June 2009 story; some books and patterns; example)

  • Withof Duchesse (examples; book)

  • Puncetto Valsesiano (leads?)

  • Beeralu (Sri Lanka lace)

  • TesseLace (no idea where this belongs, so modern and cool)

  • Contemporary lace [not sure how to handle this at all]

  • Peasant lace

  • Hinojosa lace

  • Chefoo lace

  • Cantù (leads, have seen books. See also Mary McPeek and the lace stamps??)

  • Devon Trolley Lace is absent; also Malmsbury and Downton as 19th century point ground laces

  • Three Pair Flanders

  • 's Gravensmoerse

  • Ruskin lace (Ruskin quote; book; another book)

  • Plioir de dentellière [tool; tool page? tools are not well covered, like pin lifters and join tools] (little known tool to wind your completed lace; Whiting book has section and good images of them)

  • Whitework page is kind of a disorganized mess; does it need to be broken out?

  • Orvieto (leads, videos)

  • Wire lace (different from gold/silver metal lace)

  • Bobbins: should they get their own page—so many styles and characteristics

  • Chancay gauze (early South American laces, amazing and unbelievable survival)

  • Irish Clones lace; might be on Irish lace page which is very dense?

  • Mezzopunto ? (Have example and example in Commons, needs more details)

  • Le Puy (great page, needs English translation)

  • Burano (great page, needs English translation)

  • Tambour page needs work

  • Mundillo (someone reverted my edits, more info exists on museum; also Piecework May/June 2009: America Nieves-Morale; books)

  • Russian lace is thin, examples in Wikimedia Commons

  • Liptov links to region, but there is a regional lace

  • Idrija lace is two sentences, there’s much more!

  • A kind of general thing: there are a lot of photos of lacemakers in the Commons. It would be nice to humanize lace some more with photos of people actually making lace.


AI trash beginner books pollute the lace ecosystem


High priority pages needed, Lace organizations