It all begins with an idea for an edit….
www.artic.edu/artworks/71245/border, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
www.artic.edu/artworks/71245/border, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Learn to add text and a citation to a Wikipedia page.
When you have found a page that needs an image, it’s very simple to add it to the page. This video illustrates the “Visual Editor” that lets you simply click a menu and add an image.
It’s really quite easy to do, and can make a lot of difference on lace pages.
You might have a great example of a lace style, or a special regional bobbin, or some lace ephemera that should be seen by the world. This video explains how to add images into Wikimedia Commons, so they can be used on Wikipedia pages.
If you want to try to edit, the first step is to create an account. This 5 minute video shows you where to go to start.
Choose a username (anonymous or pseudonymous is fine—real name is not required). Set a password. Start reading the guidelines and click around.
This video gives an overview of the Enhancing Lace in Wikipedia project. The aims of the project, the reasons that it is important, and how to find us and participate.