Art + Feminism training materials
The header for the original page at the Art + Feminism site with training materials
When I submitted the grant proposal, I had been thinking about the training materials. But I knew that there already were some excellent efforts to provide some training, and why re-do that work? I had watched the Art + Feminism project materials and found them really helpful.
EDIT: it’s back
(Saving this in case it goes away again) When I went to look for those recently, though, access to their site was failing to load for me. Luckily, the Internet Archive has a snapshot of the pages that I was hoping to use. That link is here:
Get started: Learn to edit!
Art+Feminism Quick Guides for Editing on Wikipedia
It also contains some written guides in different languages that might be helpful to explore.
If their site comes back up, I’ll link to the original materials. But for now, you can explore the helpful background materials on editing and customs in their short videos if you want to cover some of that.
My goal will be to provide some specific examples of lace page editing in the materials that I’m building.