Women in Lace: Text based research requests and tasks

A woman sits at a table near a window, holding bobbins on her lace pillow. Her arm supports her head as she sits with eyes closed and face upwards dreaming of something.

Firmin Baes: The dream of the lacemaker. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The gaps we are trying to fill in Wikipedia include some high-priority biographies of women important in lace.

According to Humaniki only 19.80% of English Wikipedia biographies are about women as of 8 April 2024. —WikiProject Women

Here is a partial list of the current top priority women, but more may be added as we proceed. If anyone knows of existing biographical articles in the lace community archives (books, newsletters, bulletins, magazines) please let me know. If there is someone else we can add, let us know and help us do it!

We would also like some images, but those will be subject of a second post. I include some notes about relevant reasons or things I have already located. If there isn’t a note, it’s just because I haven’t had a chance to do any research yet.

Feel free to offer other names to add to the list in the comments too. You might also find inspiration to write among the WomenInRed list of textile artists.

Completely absent pages:

Could use edits, images like book covers or photos


High priority pages needed, Lace organizations


Art + Feminism training materials