Enhancing Lace Content in Wikipedia 2024

Bobbin Lace (Needlepoint Design) Insertion second half of 16th century

Cleveland Museum of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to the project blog for the Wikimedia Foundation grant entitled “Enhancing Lace Content in Wikipedia“, awarded in 2024.

For quite some time I’d been editing Wikipedia sporadically, on topics of interest to me. Some of these include science, history, local information and random acorns of knowledge that I had a place for, rather than keeping all my acorns in my cheek pouches.

After becoming enchanted with lace as a hobby though, I found I wanted to do more specific and targeted work to improve the lace pages in Wikipedia. Partly for my own knowledge, since I was reading a lot of lace history and technique information and wanted a place to keep it. But also because much of the existing information was not reflective of the active and ongoing lace community work, publications, and art.

So here we are. I was able to convince people that this was worthwhile, and I have received a great deal of support from the Wikipedia and lacemaker communities to carry it out. This site will reflect the work on that project. For an overview of the grant and the goals of the project, watch the Project Overview video (~12 minutes).

If you’d like to join in, the best place to start would probably be the Google Groups forum: https://groups.google.com/g/laceinwikipedia2024


Editing in Wikipedia, tech issues